2023 New England Fall Foliage

“As I have traveled with other companies, I have made some mental comparisons. DJ Country Tours is well-organized, hotels were all average or above average and one ELEGANT. Rest breaks were well-spaced and food stops along the trip afforded enough choices.

I have found one large difference traveling with Janine compared to travel with other companies. Janine, not being only employed by DJ, she is the owner and she is the company. Janine has an investment in making a tour successful and enjoyable. She reacts on the spot when changes need to be made, when plans get changed, rest stops are closed, bridges washed out, and any other interruption that inevitably comes about on a trip. Response is timely when the ‘boss is on the bus’. When this happens with other companies it usually meant more time represented to get approval of a change, new direction from the office, etc.

Janine, you are top notch. Thank you for showing us the wonderful states of Vermont and New Hampshire. Thank you for showing your love of  people.”

Jewell, Iowa